Dconstruct x SI

Sale price Price $415.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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Thank you for your order! Below is a description of the items sent: 

  1. Smily BB x 2 medium 
  2. Pink Smiley BB x 2 medium 
  3. La Rosa x 2 medium 
  4. Rawrr x 2 medium 
  5. Sad BB x 1 medium
  6. Meh BB x 1 medium 
  7. Hello Kitty x 3 medium 
  8. Blue Protection x 2 medium 
  9. Flow Swirl x 2 medium 
  10. Cutie Time x 2 small 
  11. Shot caller (8ball) x 2 medium 
  12. Shipping $16 

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